Friday 3 June 2016


In P5 we are learning about animals.We have learned about silkworms and we made silkworms out of a sock it was very fun.we also watched silkworm videos and made the silkworm life cycle out of clay. Then a few weeks ago we were learning about emperor penguins and we learned really cool facts like an emperor penguin is the biggest penguin and i already know that fairy penguins are the smallest.We also made penguin bookmarks and watched penguin videos. They are very cute. Next we learned about jellyfish.I know that the most dangerous jellyfish is the box jellyfish and some are bigger than humans and some are as small as mice we made paper plate jellyfish and it was so fun! Then last we learned about turtles. We learned the turtle life cycle and we coloured in very fancy turtles with beautiful patterns in them obviously i made mine rainbow. Animals are amazing I love learning about animals.

Annie Rehearsals

What we’ve been doing on tuesday is we’ve had very long practices from three o’clock to fore o’clock but we also have been pulled out of class to rehearse in the gym hall or the music room this is in the music room.
I love doing annie only a week to go till the show but i still can't wait so excited next week we have practice all week hope you enjoy our play can’t give away any more . Good bye till next time
In May our cross country team went to Balloch park to do a race. It was very fun and one of our boys came 1st. It was very muddy I had to change into my clothes from my house. I over took some from St. Eunans on the final stretch. It was 1 and a half miles and it was a very big hill it was also a relay. At the start we got a team photo and after our race we had our snack then the p7's raced and Thomas McKelvie came first out of everybody i was puffing and panting and I had a very bad stitch. I was very nervous when I was ready to start but I managed in the end.